April Newsletter

Hello everyone,

April 22, 2021, International Mother Earth Day!

This year, even more than in previous years, we are making a point of consuming more intelligently, wasting and polluting less; moving towards a healthier ecosystem where the inhabitants are in good health is one of the major challenges facing our beautiful planet. In our own way and with our own resources at Klang Leu, we want to contribute to this.

By choosing to offer water bottles for the children to fill as they feel thirsty, we have already guaranteed to save more than 2,000 plastic bottles over the year.

But the team is not stopping there: our ambition is also to set up a compost and cultivate our vegetable garden more effectively, as well as diversifying the types of fruit and vegetables.

With the children still not back at school or at centre due to the increase in cases of covid 19 in Cambodia, the whole team is hard at work in the garden. And look how it's growing! All of which adds new flavours to the dozens of lunch boxes prepared for the children every day.

Monthly news for March 2021

Covid 19 in Cambodia: general lockdown reinforced, quarantine and curfew put in place and emergency food situation!

Since February 24, cases of Covid 19 have only increased in all regions of the country. As a reminder, for the past 2 months, all schools and childcare centers such as Klang Leu have been closed; no gathering of children has been authorized.

For the moment, no case of Covid has been detected in our neighborhood or among the families we support. The government has stepped up protection and distancing measures by imposing quarantines in certain neighborhoods, and exit bans on families living there.

In Cambodia, hunger is worse than Covid 19! 1 extra ton of rice distributed in just a few days!

Every day, team members continue to organize balanced lunch boxes for the children to collect at centre, as well as food distributions to their families.
The children and families we help are not the only ones impacted by Covid 19. Our team has identified 27 other families living in extreme poverty in Klang Leu. We have therefore mobilized urgently to organize a distribution of basic foodstuffs to those who no longer have enough to feed their families and children!
And no less than a ton of rice has been distributed in just a few days!

We desperately need all your support to feed the children and their families who no longer have the means to meet their vital needs!

To guarantee this additional help to families we need your help! Every donation, no matter how small, will make a huge difference!
Thanks to you, this is possible!

To contribute to the food distribution, follow the link :

Committed to Enfants de Klang Leu : Gwenaëlle, our heroine of the month, is available to coach you!

We're often asked "how can I help EKL from afar, raise funds and support your actions?"
Our answer is always the same: "use your talents, mobilize your energy around what you're passionate about, whether it's reading, baking, music, sport... , and you'll be able to make a difference!"

With this in mind, Gwenaëlle, a professional coach, has decided to make a commitment to EKL.
As part of her ICF coaching certification, she will donate to EKL the remuneration for the hours of coaching required to obtain her accreditation. This will make a huge difference to access to schooling and medical care for these children living in extreme poverty.
Gwenaëlle is therefore available to coach you; if you would like to reflect and work on a personal project, a professional project, or any other question relating to a change in your life, contact her. Drawing on her training and professional and personal experience, live or online, Gwenaëlle will guide you with finesse during your work sessions.

To contact her:
email gwenaelle@2voyagers.com
WhatsApp +65 9138 8671
Linkedin profile: www.linkedin.com/in/gwenaellegoethyn

Our annual report is now available!

We're delighted to share our 2020 annual report with you, covering everything we've done in the special year of 2020, as well as our plans and budget for 2021.
Thanks to you, all this is possible!
Thank you so much for your support, and we look forward to 2021!

To read our report, follow this link:

Would you like to get involved with the association?

Would you like to help us?
Would you like to support enfants de Klang Leu by organizing an event in your region, with friends?
Do you have an idea for a project to be developed in a charitable organization?
Or do you simply want to live an incredible human experience?

Then follow the link... it's over here..:

See you soon!

Yours sincerely

Florence and Fabienne

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