Greetings everyone,

Here’s our newsletter for July and August 2021. Read about what’s been happening in Klang Leu over the summer.
Happy reading 😉

Bonne lecture 😉

Like everywhere in the world, the Covid epidemic continues to affect Cambodia. At the Daycare Centre in Klang Leu, life is even more difficult due to recent flooding.

However, over the summer we have continued to work tirelessly to provide the necessary food provisions to our community and have integrated new families into our programme. Personal and dental hygiene has also been a priority and we have endeavoured to assist with medical emergencies.

Current News

Flood warnings throughout Cambodia particularly in Sihanoukville

With heavy rain falling throughout Cambodia, many neighbourhoods in Sihanoukville have suffered from terrible flooding. As Klang Leu is fortunately situated on high ground, it has been less affected by the torrents of muddy water but still, the Centre’s vegetable garden was washed away. This was a big loss in the food support we offer to families and has meant that the team has had to buy more vegetables at the market until the vegetable garden is restored.
Some residents have been affected by having to walk through floodwaters but are safe for the time being. We are still expecting more heavy rains in the coming days and so the team remains on high alert to help particularly those families living in very precarious housing made of sheet metal and wooden planks which would not withstand the force of new floods or mudslides.

The impact of the current health situation on schooling
As you know, due to the increase in Covid cases, all schools in the country and all reception centres like the one in Klang Leu have been closed since February 2021. In 2020, children had access to schools for 6 months and then, only 4 weeks in 2021 before the closure.
Unfortunately, with the 500 daily cases of Covid-19, schools will not be allowed to open in the near future.
This health crisis is clearly widening the gap between the rich and poor in Cambodia. Not only financially but also, in terms of education. Despite the online launch of courses provided by the Government, access to education remains difficult for children in general, but even more so for underprivileged children living in neighbourhoods such as Klang Leu.
Many families cannot afford an internet subscription and those parents who do have a smartphone cannot always readily share it between their children.
For those who do have access to the internet, being at home and outside the formal school setting, has led to disrupted learning with lower levels of engagement and more social online gaming. It is also the case that some of the parents who have not started or completed their own basic education, do not realise how big the impact from the lack of schooling will have on their children.
We recognise our crucial role in implementing and upgrading learner support once schools and Centres like ours reopen. There will be a lot of work for everyone involved in education and the Association will be part of this recovery.

Latest News

Lunch boxes collections and daily chat

The team continues to provide children with daily lunch boxes and their visits to the Centre allows the staff to keep in touch with the families; chatting for a few moments with them and checking if there are any family worries or health problems.
An increase in the support to families in July and August
An additional 40 families, on top of the 60 we already support, received our help during the summer. With a total of 100 families now being helped, it means that nearly 500 people are eating a healthy balanced meal on a regular basis. We are distributing an unbelievable amount of food – in the first week of July, we distributed 2,500 kg of rice, 100 kg of sugar, 100 kg of dried fish, 3,000 packs of noodles, 300 bottles of fish sauce and 5,000 masks. What a huge difference this has made in the daily lives of these poor families.
Hundreds of soaps have also been given to children and families to allow them to take care of their personal hygiene and protect themselves from Covid-19.
Our regular food distributions are only possible thanks to your help.

= > To support this action, follow the link:

Hygiène dentaire et bonne santé! Ça mousse joyeusement à Klang Leu 😉

The team has been teaching and reminding the children of good dental hygiene practice when they visit the Centre to pick up their lunch or when families, who are not in quarantine, visit the neighbourhood.

Under Li-Ya’s watchful eye, children must achieve impeccable brushing

with everyone receiving new toothbrushes, toothpaste and soaps in the coming weeks.

Emergency support for little Kom Kom

Our little Kom Kom recently fell whilst playing and injured himself by landing on some nails.
Thanks to the rapid intervention of the team, he was able to access essential medical care.
The wound was treated, a tetanus booster given and antibiotics were administered. Kom Kom will have the necessary medical follow-up while the wound is healing. During this period of pandemic and the
closure of the Centre, all children and families will continue to benefit from access to care and invaluable medical treatment, and this is only possible thanks to all your donations.

A ray of sunshine

We are delighted to announce that little Nen Phally Ny has joined the joyful troupe of children at the Centre. The food support given to his family will be supplemented each month by baby milk. This will enable his mother to reduce breastfeeding and gain some essential rest while her baby continues to receive essential nutrients. We wish Nen Phally Ny a strong and healthy life.

New families welcomed and supported by EKL

Our team continues to identify families at risk within the neighbourhood ensuring they receive the help they need.

One example is the Lo family and their 3 children who have been receiving our food aid for a few weeks together with the monthly provision of rice, noodles, dried fish, sugar, oil, fruits and vegetables.
The 2 boys, Makara (11 years old) and Vannak (5 years old) visit the Centre daily to collect the lunch boxes whilst their little sister Srey Phea (3 years old) stays at home with her very sick father. The mother works to earn a little by cleaning and doing laundry in restaurants and for some families. Sadly, this ad-hoc work doesn’t pay their rent nor provide for the vital needs of the 3 children and that’s why EKL has stepped in.

The Thy family and their 6 children, Reaksmey (13 years old girl), Maraka (11 years old boy), Rachana (8 years old girl), Tola (5 years old girl), Panha (4 years old boy) and Bros Pov (2.5 years old boy) were identified by the team as needing support.

For a month, they have been receiving food provisions and medical support by the Association. The parents had previously worked on construction sites until the beginning of the pandemic and since then, they earned a very small income from working for a few hours with fishermen in the region.
The family’s situation had clearly declined in recent months following the reinforced lockdowns where they found themselves living in extreme poverty, with their children not having enough to eat and the whole family living in substandard housing.

More information on our actions for families, here:

Faites une bonne action à l’occasion de la rentrée scolaire de vosenfants.
Aidez l’association gratuitement en commandant votre matériel scolaire en ligne !

Bientôt la rentrée scolaire !!!! 🎒📚👓💼✏️🖇️

Now it’s your turn to help……

With the start of the new academic year, why not help the Association by ordering your children’s school materials online?
By purchasing school materials and stationery for your children online via the easy platform2soutenir, EKL will financially benefit at the same time.
By visiting Facile2soutenir, you will find a wide choice of quality school materials from all your favourite brands. Facile2soutenir has gathered together many retailers who will donate a percentage of your online purchases to Les Enfants de Klang Leu.

For more information, watch the video:

Let’s go back to school

Just register for FREE on
1. Create your account and select « Les Enfants de Klang Leu » as the association to support
2. Select your store
3. Place your order and voila!

See you soon!


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