Hello all,
Welcome to our June Newsletter!
Supporting International Day Against Child Labour on 12th June
According to the International Labour Organisation, over 160 million children were identified as “workers” worldwide in 2020. Unfortunately, this number has risen due to the Covid-19 pandemic. (1)
Among these 160 million children engaged in child labour, 40% live in South-East Asia.
In Cambodia, 1 child out of 10 is put to work by their parents from the age of 7 in order to pay for food and lodgings for the family.
Over 313,000 children were identified as victims of drug-dealing and prostitution in 2020. (2)
These children who are trapped in the worst forms of exploitation suffer tremendously. They are deprived of their childhood and lose access to education. Their development is prohibited and there is a huge impact on their physical and mental health.
In Klang Leu, thanks to EKL’s invaluable work, the number of children engaged in child labour is limited. With EKL providing access to education, family support, extra-curricular activities, the number of children forced into work is being kept at a minimum thus, enabling children to have a better and brighter future.
Despite the centre still being closed due to Covid-19, the EKL team continues its vital work of providing the basic needs of food, health, hygiene and social support to many families living in Klang Leu.
Recently, we asked the children about their hopes and dreams for the future and asked them to draw what they would like to do for a living. This is what they said…
More information about our actions here:
To support EKL:
(1) ILO – International Labour Organization
(2) ILO – International Labour Organization, situation in Cambodia:
Some news updates from last month:
Covid update in Cambodia: Schools and day care centres remain
It has been over 4 months since the closure of all schools and day care centres including ours in Klang Leu, and the continued restrictions on the gathering of children.
Despite the number of Covid-19 cases slowly decreasing on a daily basis in Cambodia, in particular in the cities, the rate is too slow for the Government to soften the lockdown and social distancing restrictions Quarantining and the closure of many neighbourhoods are still in place where cases have been identified or contamination suspected.
Luckily in Klang Leu, no Covid-19 cases have been detected so far in the neighbourhood or amongst the families that are supported.
Thankfully, this allows the EKL team to continue to organise the preparation of daily healthy meals for children, the smooth distribution of lunch boxes and the collection of food packages by parents on a weekly or fortnightly basis.
Thanks to your continued generosity, we have been able to help more families and children in the past 2 months. Remember the 27 new families that we highlighted in the last newsletter?
Without your support, these needy families would not have benefited from such basic provision.
To support the food distribution and basic care:

Meet our hero of the month, Stephanie Lehembre
Our friend and supporter, Stéphanie is passionate about books, graphic design, colours and images.
Using her extensive artistic and graphic design skills, she kindly revamped our logo, branding, expanded our colour palette and stylised our graphics in 2020. This has enabled EKL to expand its work on social networks.
We are most grateful for Stéphanie for her continued support and commitment to EKL.
If you would like more information on Stéphanie Lehembre’s amazing work, visit:
Instagram singapore_artitude
Facebook Singapore ARTitude

How you can support the Children of Klang Leu. We Need Your Help.
Why not organise an event in your area with friends?
Do you have an idea or a project to help the charity?
Make a donation online?
Or if you would like to join us on this amazing adventure then, follow this link:
Or contact us by email:
« Achat Solidaires » platforms: a unique and easy way to help our
Association without spending a cent!
EKL is delighted to announce that it is working in partnership with numerous retailers via « Facile2Soutenir » and «HA Solidaire». Online purchases can be made through these platforms and EKL will receive a donation from every purchase made. It is a simple way for people to donate without spending.
With the onset of summer, why not use «Facile2Soutenir » and «HA Solidaire» to book your hotels, car rentals, airline tickets, and all your must-have items such as swimsuits, trekking boots, sunglasses, and support EKL at the same time.
You only need to sign up FOR FREE, on Ha-solidaire.com or facile2soutenir.com
1. Create your account and select « Les Enfants de Klang Leu » as your chosen charity.
2. Select your retail shop
3. Order your items and that’s it!
Enjoy your holidays and thank you in advance for your support.

See you soon!